QIP recognised as a leading innovator in healthcare

10 December 2013

Quality Innovation Performance (QIP) has been recognised as one of the top 12 most innovative companies in Brisbane by the Brisbane Innovation Scorecard for delivering innovations in physiotherapy accreditation. The accreditation program, developed by QIP in collaboration with the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), had generally been viewed as a good concept by the profession, however,…


AGPAL Surveyor Master Class 2013

17 September 2013

25 September 2013 – 25 September 2013 Darling Drive Map and Directions | Register Description: For AGPAL Surveyors Only Morning Session: Managing Vaccines and Cold Chain Management 10:30 to 13:00 The workshop provides an opportunity to bring your skills up to speed, learn practical tips and network with your colleagues. The workshop is led by…


Leading Change in Health Care: There is a Better Way

17 September 2013

25 September 2013 – 25 September 2013 Darling Drive Map and Directions | Register Description: 23 years ago, SSM Health Care looked for a way to ensure consistent, positive outcomes throughout its large and complex organization.  Continuous quality improvement (CQI) was hailed as a way to improve systems and processes.  Several years later, the organization…


Experts to examine whether quality makes a difference

04 September 2013

World renowned experts in the healthcare quality movement will explore the role of quality at the International Health Care Conference, 25-28 September in Sydney. The four day conference will bring together the best international and Australian minds to explore the key debate – ‘Quality care: Does it make a difference?’ Focusing on the central role…


The AGPAL Group supports the ACCREDIT Project

10 July 2013

Strengthening organisational performance through accreditation research: the ACCREDIT Project Beginning in 2010, a partnership was formed between researchers at the University of New South Wales and the Board and staff of Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL). The ACCREDIT Project aims to conduct a series of studies into accreditation. The project is investigating the extent…


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