Primary Health Networks Appointed

14 April 2015

The Federal Government announced the wining tenders in the $900 million Primary Health Networks (PHN) scheme last Saturday. The 31 Primary Health Networks will replace the previous government’s Medicare Locals. The Government has outlined six key priorities for targeted work in mental health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, population health, health workforce, eHealth and…


QIP supports Change Day on 11 March 2015

29 January 2015

QIP, part of the AGPAL Group of Companies, is proud to be an official partner of Change Day.


NSQHS Standards report released October 2014

04 December 2014

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care released their NSQHS Standards in 2013: Transforming the safety and quality of health care report in October 2014. The mandatory implementation of national standards for improving the safety and quality of healthcare in Australia is producing promising results and generating widespread engagement and support. The…


Quality tops list as international health care leaders congregate in Brisbane

02 May 2014

When you start comparing provision of health care in different countries there are a number of variables. How are safety and quality health standards managed in Europe, Asia or the Americas compared with the Middle East or Asia Pacific? For the first time the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), the world’s largest…


QIP and AGPAL take a walk in clients' shoes

06 February 2014

In 2013 the AGPAL Group of Companies underwent it’s third cycle of accreditation against the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) International Accreditation Standards for Healthcare External Evaluation Organisations 3rd edition. ISQua is responsible for assessment against the Standards and is the only organisation to ‘accredit the accreditors’. ISQua’s accreditation program has been…


Finding the key to quality at the APA Conference 2013

30 January 2014

The 2013 APA Conference was a resounding success. Held on 17 to 20 October in Melbourne, the conference attracted over 2,200 participants from 25 counties.


Quality Improvement Council (QIC) Business Update

16 December 2013

The Quality Improvement Council (QIC) has developed Australian Standards and certified health and community services for over 20 years. The QIC Health and Community Services Standards and Accreditation Program play an important role in the implementation and development of continuous quality improvement. QIC now forms part of Quality Innovation Performance (QIP). QIP is the exclusive…


QIP recognised as a leading innovator in healthcare

10 December 2013

Quality Innovation Performance (QIP) has been recognised as one of the top 12 most innovative companies in Brisbane by the Brisbane Innovation Scorecard for delivering innovations in physiotherapy accreditation. The accreditation program, developed by QIP in collaboration with the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), had generally been viewed as a good concept by the profession, however,…


AGPAL Surveyor Master Class 2013

17 September 2013

25 September 2013 – 25 September 2013 Darling Drive Map and Directions | Register Description: For AGPAL Surveyors Only Morning Session: Managing Vaccines and Cold Chain Management 10:30 to 13:00 The workshop provides an opportunity to bring your skills up to speed, learn practical tips and network with your colleagues. The workshop is led by…


Leading Change in Health Care: There is a Better Way

17 September 2013

25 September 2013 – 25 September 2013 Darling Drive Map and Directions | Register Description: 23 years ago, SSM Health Care looked for a way to ensure consistent, positive outcomes throughout its large and complex organization.  Continuous quality improvement (CQI) was hailed as a way to improve systems and processes.  Several years later, the organization…