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QIC Standards 7th Edition pilot a success

04 August 2017

QIC Health and Community Services Standards 7th Edition is currently under development, with the official release to be announced soon.

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The importance of cyber and data security – discover our ‘Top 4 Tips’

15 June 2017

The recent global cyber attack in May 2017 indicates that now is the time to review your practice’s current computer security systems, backups and processes to ensure your practice is protected from an attack. AGPAL and QIP’s IT team have identified the top 4 tips to start mitigating your risk.

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Celebrating World Accreditation Day 2017 with the ISQua Fellowship Internship Programme

09 June 2017

In an effort to set the benchmark for accreditation and healthcare quality on an international scale, the AGPAL Group of Companies is pleased to again be supporting the ISQua Fellowship Internship Programme.

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AGPAL & QIP Conference 2018 – the countdown has begun!

19 May 2017

Only one year to go! SAVE THE DATE for the AGPAL and QIP Conference, taking place in Melbourne from 17 to 19 May 2018.

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Consultation on resources to support the NSQHS Standards (second edition)

09 May 2017

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) is seeking feedback on draft resources to support the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (second edition) via public consultation until mid-to-late May 2017. The Standards, along with drafted resources to assist with preparing for and implementing systems and processes for…

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Adelaide HOW2 Training – Rainbow Tick

26 April 2017

Does your organisation have aspirations to increase inclusivity and celebrate diversity? The HOW2 create lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) inclusive services program provides practical support to enable organisations to work towards these goals.

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The Russell Renhard Scholarship recipients 2017 announced

23 March 2017

With a large number of high calibre submissions, our judging panel has now made their decision and we are proud to announce our 2017 QIP Russell Renhard Scholarship recipient. We would have liked to support numerous organisations with the progression of their nominated project as it was extremely challenging for our judging panel to select…

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Exceeding Expectations in the QIC Standards

15 March 2017

There are four levels of attainment used when assessing an organisation against the Quality Improvement Council (QIC) Standards. These attainment levels provide an overall rating for each Standard and comprise of exceeded, met, met in part and not met. An organisation has exceeded the Standard if: MET rating descriptors have been achieved; AND Routine review…

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AGPAL & QIP sponsor AAPM Practice Manager of the Year Awards 2017

13 March 2017

AGPAL and QIP are once again proud and excited to sponsor the AAPM Practice Manager of the Year Awards 2017.

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National Model Clinical Governance Framework in Development

06 January 2017

In late December 2016, the Australian Commission for Quality in Health Care advised their plans to develop a national model clinical governance framework to be used as a guide to support effective corporate governance and improve the safety and quality of care.