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Quality tops list as international health care leaders congregate in Brisbane
When you start comparing provision of health care in different countries there are a number of variables. How are safety and quality health standards managed in Europe, Asia or the Americas compared with the Middle East or Asia Pacific?
For the first time the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), the world’s largest health care accreditor, is bringing together leading accreditation providers from over twelve different countries to discuss health care service provision at a localised and global level.
ISQua’s bi-annual Accreditation Council Meeting is taking place in Brisbane during the fifth and sixth of May and will spark an onset of ideas sharing and solutions to ensure the standards of quality and safety in health care continues to increase across the globe.
Australia has the largest general practice accreditation program in the world triggering high international interest in this area. Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) Group CEO and Australian ISQua Council Member, Dr Stephen Clark will be sharing key learnings and frameworks surrounding AGPAL’s successful GP accreditation program with ISQUa’s international guests.
Dr Stephen Clark said that ISQua meetings play an important role in ensuring accreditation is at the forefront in maintaining provision of safe and quality health care for members of our community, not only nationally but also on an international scale.
“ISQua is leading the way in providing a minimum expectation of global safety and quality health service standards. ISQua’s bi-annual Accreditation Council Meetings ensures key quality leaders are able to come together to share knowledge and insight into global issues and achievements relating to health care accreditation.
“Since the 2011 launch of the Australian Commission’s (ACSHQ) National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, the future of consumer expectations and standards within Australian health care service provision continues to increase.
“Having looked at global trends, the Australian Health Commission have realised that accreditation plays a vital role in maintaining and monitoring safety and quality in health care and it’s exciting for AGPAL to share our learning’s so far.” said Dr Clark.
“There are many challenges faced in terms of making a positive difference to the standard of health care our local communities receive. ISQua is a respected influencer when it comes to driving change and they actively support their global council members to achieve continuous quality health care improvements which add to the high standards being achieved at an international level.” Dr Clark said.