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QIC Health and Community Services Standards 7th Edition has launched!
Following 18 months of consultation with community representatives Australia‐wide, Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP) has launched a new set of industry Standards to enhance key areas of service delivery and operational processes within community organisations across all States and Territories. The QIC Health and Community Services Standards 7th Edition support a wide range of organisations to improve consumer and community engagement, diversity and cultural appropriateness, management systems, governance and service delivery while committing to a cycle of continuous quality improvement.
QIP has undertaken a comprehensive review, consultation and pilot process to ensure the new 7th Edition Standards are reflective of industry trends and easy to interpret while being applicable to the environments that community services operate within.
Dr Stephen Clark, Group Chief Executive of QIP, said that the new QIC Standards have a strong foundation with significant input from the sector to ensure best practice and quality-focused outcomes for Australian community health and service providers and their local communities.
“The QIC Standards have a long history and reputation for improving whole-of-organisation outcomes across the Australian community services sector, evolving from the Community Health Accreditation and Standards Program (CHASP) first implemented in 1996.
“The QIC Standards 7th Edition has leveraged off the strengths of the 6th Edition, best practice processes and the significant contributions made from engaging with a range of community sector experts and organisations including NGOs, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services, Aged Care Services and a range of Social Services Agencies.
“The Standards have been developed by the sector for the sector, encompassing a more contemporary structure, supporting community health and service providers to increase accountability to their consumers, staff, relevant regulators and their local communities” said Dr Clark.
Currently more than 300 organisations across Australia hold QIP accreditation against the QIC Standards. The new QIC Standards 7th Edition will support a wide range of community service and health organisations to increase the overall quality of their organisation. Achievement of QIP accreditation against the QIC Standards takes a commitment to quality improvement, teamwork, a drive to build organisational capacity and a focus on enhancing provision of service and care for consumers.
For further information regarding QIP accreditation against the QIC Standards 7th Edition contact the QIP Team.