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Leading Change in Health Care: There is a Better Way
25 September 2013 – 25 September 2013
Darling Drive
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23 years ago, SSM Health Care looked for a way to ensure consistent, positive outcomes throughout its large and complex organization. Continuous quality improvement (CQI) was hailed as a way to improve systems and processes. Several years later, the organization bolstered its improvement efforts by using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Aware criteria. These two tools have been mainstays in helping SSM make remarkable strides to improve care and service across 20 hospitals and related businesses in 4 mid-Western states within the U.S. In 2002, SSM became the first health care system in the United States to earn the prestigious Baldrige Award and it continues to use the framework for performance excellence to sustain high performance.
Lessons learned from SSM Health Care’s 20+ hospitals will be shared with participants in an interactive exchange of ideas on how to improve across all aspects of an organization. In a presentation filled with true stories, Sr. Mary Jean Ryan will illustrate what it takes to lead change in today’s world. She will underscore how critical it is to call forth the Spirit of Leadership as a pathway to organizational transformation.