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AGPAL Group employees participate in Living LGBTI training
The AGPAL Group of Companies employees recently participated in a Living LGBTI training session held by Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV) (now Rainbow Health Victoria), exploring some of the challenges the Lesbian, Gay Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities face, the impact on their health and wellbeing and an understanding for how organisations can become more LGBTI-inclusive.
The session was organised to honour the AGPAL Group of Companies’ 2015 Change Day pledge “to better support our employees to in turn, be able to better support members of our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community”.
The AGPAL Group of Companies Chief Executive, Dr Stephen Clark, stated “we have provided the relevant cultural diversity training to give staff a better cultural understanding of the lived experiences of LGBTI people within the workplace and with service providers”.
“The knowledge and understanding gained from the training session will be applied both within our organisation and to further support other organisations to be recognised for inclusive service delivery to the LGBTI Community through the Rainbow Tick Accreditation program.”
On behalf of the Team at the AGPAL Group of Companies, we extend a huge thank you to Sunil Patel and Philomena Horsley from Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV) for providing this training to our employees.
If your organisation is interested in Living LGBTI training, please refer to GLHV’s website for more information.
About Change Day
Change Day is a social and global movement which is all about people and organisations committing to do just one thing in the coming year to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities and to positively impact the Australian health, aged care and community service system as a whole.
The pledges together build to a substantial collection of change initiatives all working towards that common goal.
The AGPAL Group of Companies is proud to be an official partner of Change Day.
About Rainbow Tick
In 2013, Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV) and Quality Innovation Performance (QIP) worked together to develop the Rainbow Tick Standards and related resources. QIP has been recognised by GLHV as the accreditation provider for these standards in the health and community services sector.
QIP works with organisations to support and recognise them for being committed to safe and inclusive service delivery for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people in our community.
The Rainbow Tick Standards are applicable to health and community service organisations, and supports organisations to develop and implement inclusive practices for the LGBTI community. In addition to health and community services, sporting clubs, leisure activity providers, gyms, local councils, government bodies, and private business of all types choose Rainbow Tick accreditation to ensure their organisations is supportive of the LGBTI community.