The Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP) Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring QIP’s commitment to quality and delivery of simple and effective accreditation and certification programs is consistent with international best practice. Board members are either nominated by or elected by the membership and meet four times per annum.
Mr Gary Smith AM
QIP Chair
Year Joined
Current Appointments and Memberships:
- Director, Australian General Practice Association Limited (AGPAL).
- Board Member, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District.
- Director, General Practice Workforce Tasmania.
- Fellow and Life Member of the Australian Association of Practice Management Ltd.
- Member, Medicare Australia Stakeholders Consultation Group.
- Member, Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review General Practice & Primary Care Clinical Committee.
- Academic Director and Lecturer, University of New England Partnerships.
- Surveyor, Australian General Practice Association Limited (AGPAL).
- Surveyor, International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).
Gary Smith joined the Board of QIP in 2011. He is also Chair of the Quality Innovation Performance Consulting Limited (QIP Consulting) and Quality Innovation Performance International (QIP International) Boards. Gary joined the Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) Board in December 2006. Gary is an AGPAL Independent Director and has over 30 years’ experience in healthcare management.
Mr Smith was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters honoris causa by the University of New England (UNE) in recognition of his distinguished service to UNE Partnerships and to the professionalisation of the field of medical practice management for the past 30 years. In 2023 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM).

Dr Richard Choong
QIP Director
Year Joined
Current Appointments and Memberships:
- Federal Councillor, Australian Medical Association (AMA).
- President, AMA Western Australia (WA).
- Fellowship of Australian Medical Association.
- Member, AMA of General Practice.
- Member, AMA of General Practice WA.
Dr Richard Choong joined the QIP Board in 2003, and was formerly the Board Chair. Richard is the longest serving and youngest Chair of the AGPAL Board to date. Richard is an Australian Medical Association (AMA) nominee of the AGPAL Board and is the President of the AMA Western Australia. Richard has 17 years’ experience in general practice and is the principal of an outer metropolitan General Practice in Perth.

Mr Phillip Bain
QIP Director
Year Joined
Phillip Bain has been a Director of QIP since 2013.
Phillip is the former Chief Executive of Plenty Valley Community Health and Your Community Health. His extensive career in health care includes managing a Division of GP and a Medicare Local.
Phillip was chair of the State Government Task Force into Community Health in 2018-19.
Phillip is currently a Board director of Northern Health/Northern Hospital in Melbourne’s north west.
He is a director of a multicultural disability service and public housing support agency.
Phillip has served as a local Councillor and Mayor, and was a Victorian Multicultural Commissioner.

Mr Andrew Stanley
QIP Director
BA (Hon), MPubAdmin (Policy)
Year Joined
Current Appointments and Memberships
- Director, SANT DataLink, 2012 - current.
- Management, South Australian Department of Health and Ageing, 1986 – 2012.
- Director, Quality Improvement Council, Sept 1997 to June 2013.
- Population Health Research Network, 2009 - current.
Andrew Stanley joined the QIP Board 2013. Andrew was an Independent Director of the Quality Improvement Council (QIC), which formed part of QIP, since its establishment and served two terms as Chair. Until August 2012 Andrew held a number of senior management positions in the SA Department of Health and Ageing in the areas of policy, planning and research, most recently as Director, Office for Research Development. Andrew’s current role is Director of SANT DataLink which is a consortium of SA and NT government agencies and universities (auspiced by the University of South Australia) established to facilitate large scale population level research and evaluation using privacy protecting data linkage methodologies.

Ms Jo Watson
QIP Director
BA (Soci.Sci), MPH; FAICD
Year Joined
Current Appointments and Memberships
- Deputy Chair, Consumers Health Forum (CHF).
- Director, AGPAL.
- Deputy Chair, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) (Australian Government).
- Chair, HTA Consumer Consultative Committee (Commonwealth Department of Health).
Jo joined the QIP Board of Directors in 2013 and is the CHF-nominated Director on the AGPAL Board.
Jo was the Executive Director for the National Association of People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Australia (NAPWHA) from 1998 to 2014. Over the past several decades she has been a community advocate actively engaged in the areas of health policy, especially access to medicines, and optimal public health interventions.
She was the consumer nominee of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Pricing Authority (PBPA) from 2002 to 2012, before being appointed the consumer nominee to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC), and then in 2017 was appointed the first Deputy Chair of that Committee. She is also the Chair of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Consumer Consultative Committee, established by the Department of Health in 2016.

Ms Jill Linklater
QIP Director
RN BScN MHA, Grad Dip Health & Medical Law
Year Joined
Current Appointments and Memberships
- Board Director Gippsland Southern Health Service
- Board Director Annecto Inc.
- Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Fellow Australian College of Nursing
- Fellow Governance Institute Australia
- Member Institute of Community Directors Australia
- Centenary of Federation Medal for services to medicine and the community
Jill is a registered nurse and an experienced health executive in health, aged care and disability services; previous nursing advisor and regional manager Victorian Department of Health; the Victorian Director of Aged and Community Care Australian Department Health & Ageing; and an experienced consumer advisor/representative in the public and private health services sector.
Jill is currently a non-executive board director, consultant in health, disability and aged care services; a national safety and quality health services standards accreditation assessor, a NDIS assessor and an auditor in ISO 9001 quality management systems. Consultancy work spans projects in the private and public health sector, government sector, aged and disability and rural sector.
Extensive board director governance experience includes previous board appointments with Eastern Health, Samarinda Age Services, Disability Services Victoria, Disability Workers Registration Board Victoria, Wesley Mission and Uniting AgeWell.

Ms Libby Dunstan
QIP Director
BAppSc (Human Movement Studies), Masters in Scientific Studies, GAICD
Year Joined
Current Appointments and Memberships
- CEO, Brisbane North PHN
An experiences health care leader with more than 20 years in senior leadership roles with a particular focus on primary health care. Libby has a track record in leading the strategic, operational and business operations of a number of organisations within the not for profit sector. She is committed to working in partnership to support person centred care that delivers better outcomes for the community . As the CEO of Brisbane North PHN since 2020, Libby leads a high performing team that works towards better outcomes for people in the northern suburbs of Brisbane and the Moreton Bay region.

Mr Henry Williams
QIP Company Secretary
Current Appointments and Memberships
- Company Secretary, AGPAL.
- Director, Attune Hearing Pty Ltd.
- Finance Director, Fort Knox Storage Group.
- Managing Director, H N Williams Pty Ltd.
- Board Member, Alzheimer’s Association Queensland Inc.
- Associate Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
- Fellow Member, Institute of Company Directors in Australia.
- Registered Tax Agent.