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A Guide to Exploring Effective Partnerships in Healthcare

Establishing effective partnerships in healthcare is not just a good idea – it’s essential as these partnerships play a significant role in enhancing the overall experience for patients. Imagine healthcare relationships built on principles like dignity, respect, shared information, and active participation.

This foundation transforms the healthcare journey for everyone involved. At the individual level, partnerships involve:

  • healthcare provision where people are treated with dignity and respect
  • sharing information openly
  • making decisions together, and
  • encouraging patients to actively participate in their health decisions.

But it goes further – partnerships at the service level include consumer perspectives. This ensures healthcare services are both standardised and adaptable to meet the diverse needs of all patients.

Building strong partnerships enables individuals to take control of their health and contribute to a healthcare system that is responsive, accessible, and community-driven.

Here are some practical examples of how to apply these principles to create effective and meaningful partnerships for your health service organisation.


  1. Respectful healthcare provision:
  1. Information-sharing:
  • Create a safe and user-friendly platform for doctors and patients to share important medical information.
  • Help patients access their health records, test results, and treatment plans easily. This promotes transparency and empowers them to make informed decisions about their care.
  1. Collaborative decision-making:
  • Care teams working together: establish care teams including healthcare professionals, patients, and family members, if applicable.
  • Regular meetings: encourage regular meetings where all stakeholders share insights, discuss treatment options, and work together to create personalised care plans.
  1. Encouraging patient participation:
  • Patient education programs: implement programs to enhance health literacy and empower individuals to actively manage their health.
  • Community building: establish support groups or online forums for patients to share experiences, ask questions, and contribute insights. This fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility for health outcomes.
  1. Service level integration of consumer views:
  • Patient advisory council: establish a council with representatives from the community served by the healthcare organisation.
  • Involvement in services: involve the council in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating healthcare services.
  • Continuous improvement: consistently gather feedback on service quality, ease of access, and patient satisfaction to enhance and customise services for a diverse patient population.

By using some of the above examples, you can foster healthcare partnerships with improved patient focus, inclusivity, and responsiveness to individuals and communities.

Begin your journey towards a collaborative and innovative healthcare experience today.

Additional resources

Enhancing your healthcare practices through effective partnerships is an important step for providing a patient-centred experience. As you apply these principles in your health service, you can find additional resources and support available on the QIP website to help you progress toward more collaborative and innovative healthcare.