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Launch of the first Australian suicide prevention program standards

QIP is excited to promote the launch of the Suicide Prevention Australia Standards for Quality Improvement, 1st Edition (the Standards).

Owned by Suicide Prevention Australia, the Standards were developed in collaboration with the suicide prevention sector.

As outcome-oriented standards, the Standards are designed to support the suicide prevention sector and provide assurance to consumers that the suicide prevention programs developed by an organisation are safe, high-quality and effective.

The Standards offer an opportunity for organisations to participate in an accreditation program that will provide consistency in delivery and quality improvement.

Assessment against the Standards assists organisations to continually improve and better support consumers by providing an improved service experience.

Implementation of the Suicide Prevention Australia Standards requires the involvement of staff and volunteers to ensure the quality, effectiveness and reliability of the suicide prevention program being delivered.

To find out more about the Standards or the accreditation process, contact a member of the QIP team or visit our Suicide Prevention Australia Standards for Quality Improvement page

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